Sunday 10 July 2011

Blog Award (...oh the irony)

Here are the rules of this award:

1. Link back to the person who awarded this to you
A hugeee thankyou to Catflicks for awarding me this :) soo nice, even though I haven't blogged for over a month... I apologise and will definitely get back into it from now!

2. Share 7 Random things about yourself

1. I love history and once I get stuck into an essay I could write for hours cringe
2. I used to have five really long names until I changed it by deed poll
3. I'm actually really self conscious and need to work on that!
4. I have an insane cat which everyone says is me just in a different species
5. Trashy Tv programmes (i.e TOWIE) are my absolute favourite
6. I'm desperate for a tattoo but want to wait until I can get something meaningful
7. I'm really really close to my mum and sister and wouldn't change them for the world
Feel free to ask me for anything else you'd like to know :)

3. Award 15 blogs
(in no particular order)


4. Answer the following questions

Name your favourite colour: Hmm I don't really have one but i've started to like yellow a lot more recently (as you may see in posts in the near future).
Name your favourite song: I have so many favourites but I think 'Here There and Everywhere' by The Beatles is absolutely beautiful.
Your favourite dessert: I'm not really big on desserts any more but I do love custard!
What is pissing you off? Nothing at all right now!
When you're upset, you: Either have a huge crying fit or just go all distant and quiet.
Your favourite pet: Both of my cats, they're hilarious together!
Black or White? Black in terms of clothes for me.
Your biggest fear: Bit of a contrast here but butterflies or having acid thrown in my face!
My best feature is: I can never answer this question, not fishing for compliments but I really don't think I have one.
Everyday attitude: Just generally be laid back, learn to laugh at yourself and have fun with everything!
What is perfection? Whatever makes you feel entirely happy! For me it would probably involve chilling out with the people closest to be just talking and laughing alllll day!
Guilty pleasure: Rubbish Tv, cheesey horror films and classic awful music :)

Aaaand thats it! Thankyou very much again Catflicks for the award even though I totally don't deserve it recently! I'm definitely going to get back into regular blogging now, in fact I might do a new post right after this one :)

Thankyou for reading everyonee,
  Love, fum xo

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