Wednesday 4 May 2011

So, give me coffee and TV

  (Sorry about the weird picture format here, I couldn't make it look right)

 Shocker: My hair isn't clipped up for once!
In fact it looks a bit weird in this picture...

 Cardigan - Primark Mens, Scallop Hem top - Topshop, Skirt (actually dress) - Primark, Bag - Primark, Ring - Gift, Necklace - Grandma

The title of this post sums up exactly how I feel right now (lazy) and it's also a cracking song by Blur so it's a winner all round!

This is what I wore today to college after having an "OMGIHAVENOTHINGTOWEAR" moment this morning. I grabbed this dress and turned it into a skirt by rolling the top down (as you do) and I think it all looks quite nice together! 

I'm really in love with this bag at the moment, I bought it in Primark when I went to Brighton at the weekend - do you ever find that Primark seems to be better in every single city other than your own? - and i've barely taken it off my shoulder. The ring is also from Brighton, my mum insisted on buying me it because she's sick of seeing me wearing jewellery that turns my fingers green (classy I know) it's a gorgeous ring and I love it but it was £49 so I think i'll stick to my usual h&m purchases when I'm paying! The necklace was a gift from my grandma, when we visited she decided to go through all her belongings and give us anything that caught our eye and also asked us to help her decided who she was going to leave certain things to in her will. It was really sad actually but i'm so grateful! She gave me a few other bits of jewellery and loads of gorgeous scarves as well which I might show you in a video post if I ever feel brave enough (don't count on it i'm shy).

Anyway i'm going to love you and leave you now for a much needed night of chilling on the sofa in front of various soaps and trashy TV!
Love, fum xo


  1. I agree I found a lovely denim waistcoat in Primark in Meadowhall, I've never seen in Leeds.

  2. I love this look and your bag is just fab x


Thanks for looking! All of your comments mean a lot, and I always do my best reply to everyone xo