Tuesday 5 April 2011

Why Not?

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now after looking at some from people that I know, and some from people that I've never met but find inspiring. It seems like blogs are a great way of meeting new people and also finding inspiration about things like fashion, music, and photography - all things which I find really interesting.

It took me a while to think of a blog title and admittedly I was almost drawn into choosing some really cheesy things that I would never normally think of out of sheer desperation! But in the end I settled for this, 'Perfect Hues' and I love it. It's from one of my favourite ever songs (a cover from live lounge) : 

Anyway, I think my blog will pretty much consist of a few outfit posts along with goings-on from my every day life, we shall see. Hope you enjoy/follow.
Love, Fum xo

1 comment:

  1. this is one of my favourite songs & I love Ellie Goulding, beautiful.


Thanks for looking! All of your comments mean a lot, and I always do my best reply to everyone xo